What is the deal with all of the Joker hate?

Holy fucking Jesus you projecting wankstain.

At no point did I claim to have a working knowledge of "typical bavarians" just the shitting stereotype.

And with that here's the entire plot to Jojo Rabbit.

ohannes "Jojo" Betzler is a young boy living in Nazi Germany during the later stages of World War II with his mother, Rosie. His absent father is supposedly serving on the Italian Front but has lost all contact, and his older sister Inge has recently died of influenza. The jingoistic Jojo often talks with his imaginary friend, a supportive but buffoonish version of Adolf Hitler.

Now aged ten, it is time for Jojo to join the Deutsches Jungvolk. He attends his first Hitler Youth training camp with his best friend, Yorki, run by the one-eyed Wehrmacht Captain Klenzendorf. When Jojo is ordered to kill a rabbit by older Hitler Youth members, he tries to release it and runs off crying after the other boys taunt him with the name "Jojo Rabbit." After a pep talk from Adolf, Jojo returns and throws a Stielhandgranate without permission. It bounces off a tree and explodes at his feet, leaving him with facial scars and a slight limp. After Jojo recovers, Rosie asks Klenzendorf, demoted after the incident, to make her son feel included, despite his injuries. Jojo is given small tasks such as spreading propaganda leaflets throughout the town, and collecting scrap metal for the war effort.

Alone at home one day, Jojo discovers Elsa Korr, a teenage Jewish girl and his late sister's former classmate, hiding upstairs. Jojo threatens to turn her over to the Gestapo, but Elsa warns that his mother would be killed for hiding her. He agrees to keep her safe; on the condition that she reveals her "Jew secrets" so he can write a book for Klenzendorf, which amuses him. Elsa plays along by making up stories about Jewish powers, such as mind-reading. Angry with his mother for hiding a Jew but unable to reveal his knowledge of Elsa, Jojo accuses Rosie of being unpatriotic and laments that his father is away. Rosie dismisses his accusations and espouses her belief that positivity and optimism are the best ways to be free of oppression.

Jojo continues to interrogate Elsa, learning she has a fiancé called Nathan with whom she wants to reunite when the war is over. Jojo forges a letter from "Nathan," which claims that he has found someone else and wants to break up with Elsa. Hearing her crying, Jojo writes another letter retracting the first one. Jojo and Adolf argue, with Adolf insisting Elsa is a monster. Later, while on one of his metal collecting trips, Jojo spots his mother leaving a "free Germany" message in town.

Jojo is home one day when the Gestapo, led by Captain Deertz, visit his house. Klenzendorf also happens to arrive at the house while it is being searched. Elsa reveals herself, pretending to be Inge, and produces Inge's papers to Klenzendorf and confirms her birthday from memory to quell the Gestapo's suspicions. Jojo is relieved, but Elsa later realizes she recited the wrong date and Klenzendorf covered for her, but is confident the Gestapo will eventually realize the deception. Later that day, Jojo finds his mother has been hanged in the town square. Devastated, he returns home and stabs Elsa in the shoulder, then breaks down; Elsa comforts him.

Jojo runs into Yorki, now a soldier, who tells him Hitler has committed suicide and that the Allies are closing in. Jojo encounters Fräulein Rahm, arming and sacrificing children as the battle rages, and she gives him a soldier's coat, before being killed herself in an explosion. Facing the American and Soviet forces, the city's garrison surrenders. The Soviets force several captured Germans into a backyard and line them up against a wall, including Jojo. A wounded Klenzendorf tells Jojo his mother was a good woman, and saves him by removing his coat, calling him a Jew, and spitting on him, causing the Soviet guards to drag him to safety. The soldiers expel Jojo, who runs away as shots are heard.

Jojo runs home and, to stop Elsa from leaving, tells her Germany won the war. Recognizing her despair, he recites a new "letter" from her boyfriend, claiming that he and Jojo have figured out a way to smuggle her to Paris. Elsa confesses that her boyfriend died of tuberculosis the previous year. Jojo tells her he loves her, and she tells him she loves him like a "younger brother." A disheveled Adolf with bullet holes in his head angrily confronts Jojo for siding with Elsa, and Jojo kicks him out the window. Jojo takes Elsa outside, where she sees American soldiers and realizes the Allies have won the war. She slaps Jojo in the face for lying, and then they dance in the street.

/r/OutOfTheLoop Thread Parent