What is a definite sign that a relationship won't last very long?

It's a little different where I grew up. Everyone has their own car by 18(even in mom and dad bought it for 1000$). It's super disappointing to hear when a guy doesn't have one because you have at least a 15 minute drive to get to any sort of place of business. It immediately makes me think "Do you have a job? How do you get there? If we begin a relationship, do I have to plan my day around when you have to go to work or do any sort of errand outside of the house?" I've seen so many friends have their entire day stolen because they have to drive a dependant friend or SO all over town to fun every errand, pick up their weed, go to work, see their mom. And its never a quick drive and drop off. You gotta go 10 miles to the weed guys house and sit in the driveway while Billy goes in, has a whole conversation, smokes a bowl(not caring to offer you any), and slow

In the college town I'm in now, it makes more sense to not own a car. You can walk anywhere you need to be. Having a car makes grocery trips easier, and you can go to the nicer restaurants in the town over, but you don't need one. The only time I use my car is to visit home.

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