What deradicalized you?

GamerGate was probably my moment too. I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't suckered in a bit and I'll always be ashamed of that. I'll even admit that the alt-right did harp about a few legitimate problems, but they had no solutions, other than those that reinforce the problem.

Like Ok, men to get shafted in family court, but here is an example I've seen first hand. One day a judge came in and said, "I've given alimony to a man for the first time in my life." The judge was a man. Meanwhile, another judge I know, who is a woman, has given men alimony all the time. She just looks at earned income or each party, attained education of each party, who is the safest person for the kids, and who (if anyone) can afford to drive their own luxury car. While the male judge just says, "Man, why can't this loser afford a nice car? It's time for him to man up and be a real man and not rely on this weak, innocent woman", she says, "Well if she can afford this S-Class sedan and her own home, she can damn well afford to pay child support and alimony, especially after he worked in a turkey plant while supporting her when she got her degree."

For this alt-right, this isn't even a direction for engaging solutions. It's non-obvious and it doesn't help their political project.

Even the game in journalism thing had a point and it was belabored long before they came down the pike. The big boys shouldn't be buying positive reviews, but they only cared about some woman with an indie title? How does this fix anything?

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