What did you get angry at your SO for but never brought up.

She's a surface thinker.

Just yesterday her sister asked if she wanted to share the Netflix account with her and pay together. You know because it's cheaper.

She went and said, "oh, I already share it with v1ew_s0urce!"

When I am the one who pays for the subscription. I'm not complaining anything here, though.

But it'd be great (and money-saving) as well if she'd thought that the account can still be used up to 4 people.

Also, yesterday as well, she said she wanted to lose weight. So, I went to the stairs, but she insisted us to go for escalator. What?

In her defense, she's still working on it. Not everyone analyses the shit out of everything like I do.

I love her regardless of her shortcomings.

/r/AskMen Thread