what did they mean by this

When did I say I wasn’t shallow? I am in terms of dating. I have only have dated guys I found attractive in some way. Only one of those guys would be considered unattractive by the majority of humanity, but I never acted like he was a lesser being. Most were at least 8/10. I’ve never said I wanted to date ugly guys. It seems like you equate “she wouldn’t date a guy she found ugly” to “she would avoid and disrespect guys she found ugly”.

I’m not shallow in terms of treating people well, even online where most let their inner demons run free. I doubt many of you are attractive, but I’ve been polite in all exchanges with nothing to gain except the perspectives of people who’ve, for the most part, given up on dating and sex. Any niche group will attract people who do not belong to that group.

Also, have you ever heard a girl say “tee-hee” or is that the female equivalent of “hurr durr” (maybe this phrase is unisex, but I’ve just heard it used toward men) when implying someone is of low intelligence?

As for the data, I wasn’t trying to explain it away. I was thinking about it based on my prior knowledge, which I can admit could be misleading, perhaps because people are outwardly kinder where I live versus where the study was conducted. 70% seems shockingly high, and the girls I was around in high school lacked empathy more than older women I’ve met. It isn’t as if there’s a way to prove those questioned or the data collectors weren’t lying; therefore, to “explain it away”, I’d state that it’s not a real survey and some incel made it up. Do I believe that? Not really. Could it be true? Yes, especially with no citations. I think I’ll ask some girls and guys this question in future discourse to see how their answers correlate. (Not that it would be a proper study since the sample size is low, but I’m curious what people I know would say. I know my dad avoids ugly women, while my mother does not, but I’m curious about younger people.)

Also, not hamstering. I don’t have emotional connections to the data. If women are meaner to ugly men than I thought, it’s not going to affect me personally. As for vapid, that’s your opinion, so that’s fine. Though I didn’t add a TLDR so it’s odd if anyone who thinks me vapid is still reading. “Vapid” means boring, not stupid. As for “shallow cunt”, cunts get deeper in response to arousal. I’m not aroused right now, so you’re correct. Likely you just meant it as an insult, but I don’t find the word cunt offensive.

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