What did you play this week (Apr 10 - Apr 16)?

Blood rage 3p x 3 - Still love this game. Never expected this to catch on with my friends but it has taken over the group.

Managed to get some good pillages early and repillaged using Tyr's challenge in the first game. Cheesed this combo to get 15 pts from the 5 pt pillage reward 3x and get the rage pillage reward 2x.

Got a huge setback when I forgot about Heimdall's watch and I got into a huge melee and subsequently lost all my troops in the second age. I was also pretty low on clan stats. I had Loki's eminence though and managed to snag Odin's throne, a valhalla quest, a yellow quest and Frigga's sacrifice. Seeing there are very few provinces without a strong force in them which could end the game before I got my combo in, I locked a 3 village province and put down my quests, Odin's throne and frigga's sacrifice. Started sacc'ing dudes to raise my stats and to allow me to place troops in a yellow province for my quest as my horns are stuck in 5. Opponents took several turns to get in and end the game by pillaging that last province.

At the end I scored 80 glory through quests x2, raising clan stats to +10 and 20, a dude dying in ragnarok and releasing 5 of em in Valhalla. I still lost, 131 to 141 and the new player at 30. But that holdup then mad dash to get as much points as I can in the third age was amazing. Bought out the competitive streak in me and I was focused! Everyone had a grand time once again.

The second game was close as everyone on the table was experienced in the game. I focused on axes and battles.

3rd game was by a landslide - Nobody was putting figures on the board so I used lord of hammers to pillage fast and jumped on provinces. Camped on 3 provinces to gain those rewards again on the second age when I also got the clan upgrade that lets you repillage. On the third age I managed to snag a very cheesy combo - I got eternal dragons which nets me 12 glory when my ship is destroyed, frigga's sacrifice(?) which allows you to sac 2 figures for a stat upgrade and finally frigga's domain which lets you invade using a figure you own in Valhalla. I sacrificed my ship over and over using Frigga's sacrifice and domain to increase my stats to legendary(40 pts) and got me 24 points as well.

The grizzled: At your orders! 4p x 1 - My friend was gifted this expansion so we tried it out. We all agreed it was better because of the events and changes that made the game easier(speeches get back in the pile etc). We still lost though lol.

7 wonders 4p x 1 - This was a weird game, super close, like 3-way tie and the other person just 2 points behind close. Sadly I was that player only 2 pts behind. Would've been great to have a 4 way tie. Haha.

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