What Did You Post Wednesday - April 18

Fandom: The Last Guardian

Title: The Guardian’s Shield

Rating: T

Link: FFN

Summary: *Story follows The Boy, Toriko (Trico), the child’s Father, and his close friend.

Dieviates from the game immediately after The Boy obtains the Shield. Trico, knowing the danger a human in possession of it could pose, decides on killing him, only to inadvertently transform him into a young Trico.

Now, with a The Boy stuck in both an unfamiliar body and land, Toriko unsure of what to do with what he’s created, and the child’s father and friend wanting revenge on the animals that supposedly killed him; this may lead to the only opportunity to tear down the Nest, ending the abductions once and for all.

Side-Note: First story I’ve every written. Not as experienced a writer as some of you.

/r/FanFiction Thread