What did someone do to make you hate them instantly?

When I was at the lowest point in my life and needed help for many reasons, I was checked into a psych ward to look for solutions physically and mentally. My dad is a very hateful person and allthough I grew up middle class, he would always yell at me or my mom for any reason, he would always find reasons so he can tell.

I came home and one day he wanted to push my buttonS and I'm guessing he drank, and when people drink the truth comes out. He told me to go back to the psych ward, he has said way worse shit but this instantly made me think I will never forgive him. He eventually started breaking stuff and just because overall a cancer to our home. The police got called and I think the sweetest justice was served, he was checking into a mental hospital as well for 3-4 weeks. I never went to go check on him once and I prayed he stayed there forever, I was so glad he got to experience something he wishes on me. It felt so good.

/r/AskReddit Thread