What a difference a week makes. Fort Wetherill Jamestown

So I'm making more of it than it is, but just based on word count of your responses, it's a bigger deal to you. It seems you want the second image to be the editorial equivalent to the first. You want to believe that tagging "Nigger" is no different from "Skittles is not a weapon". But here's the deal: anyone who sees these two images and dismisses them as nothing more than ignorant graffiti just might be on the wrong side of Jesus, if not, God willing, of history. Skittles is, in fact not a weapon, but the word "Nigger" is, and the idea that the first can inspire from some the second, shows that there is more work to be done. And to realize that some folk are bothered enough to comment, but not enough to care about either is just sad.

Not sure what 'fort' you've been hanging at, but when your buddy Waylon had just started warning mamas about their babies being cowboys, I took a date to see him live. And got laid after.

Black Lives Matter.

/r/RhodeIsland Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it