What is a “dirty little (or big) secret” about an industry that you have worked in, that people outside the industry really ought to know?

I expect no one will see this, and that's a nice segue into what I'm about to say.

I work for an company that is hired by insurance companies all over the united states to covertly investigate insurance claimants (those who are filing the claim) so that their claims can be denied based on evidence. We do other things, but our bread and butter is making money off insurance companies that spend money to not have to spend as much money as they would otherwise.

Prior to this job I never really took it seriously when some people would be paranoid about not going out and doing things after an injury-related insurance claim. I thought they sounded crazy. It wasn't until this job that I realized they were anything but.

We have investigators all over the states hiding in cars and video taping claimants in public. I see these videos and not a single one of the claimants have a clue they're being recorded. I see the case files written up and all the ways the claimant screwed themselves out of whatever insurance money they were expecting.

Insurance companies' first and foremost goal when processing a claim is to not be responsible for it. Our clients (insurance companies) are nation wide and regulars. If you file a claim that has absolutely anything to do with giving you money, you are under a microscope in many ways.

Also, make your social media private, or at least stop incriminating yourselves publicly... we have an entire research department that is subsidized by the fact that no one seems to understand the impact of their lackadaisical approach to personal information.

/r/AskReddit Thread