What dirty little secret of someone else's have you been dying to tell?

Person was raped by stepdad throughout childhood. They never told anyone. Then as a teen they found child porn on his computer. They called police. Police came and talked to her and then to stepdad and then asked her why she was lying/doing this and if she knew how serious this was and how much trouble she would get into for lying. So she breaks down and tells about the raping. They apparently see this as further indication she is lying, or else why wouldn't she say that all along?

She ended up just kind of having to continue living with it the best she could. She managed to get out of there and live with her real father. She has been in and out of therapy and struggles with terrible nightmares and anxiety. She was apparently at all turns advised not to try and do anything about it because that would just stir things up and make it worse on herself. Which is baffling to me, but I'm not a professional...

Anyways... her mom actually stayed married to this guy and pretty much tried to blank out that he could have done anything to her daughter, breaking down the only/few time(s) "confronted". The mom has been trying to get a divorce for some time, and has been unhappy for much longer.

The guy is a pedophile rapist. And he currently works as a gymnastics teacher for little girls, has for years. He is an angry irrational asshole that has threatened her real father with violence if he ever contacts them. Realistically, he should be fearing for his own life, because her real father is understandably not too thrilled with his existence.

She is in her mid twenties, this all happened over a decade ago. She is convinced that there is nothing to be done, nothing that can be done. I'm convinced there is a pedophile rapist out there that could easily be stopped. I don't know what to do... probably, sadly, nothing. I've known about this for two years. It is really insane to think about.

For all I know there are several people who have been harmed by this man who could speak out, and would collectively take him down... but because nobody has spoken out, none of them realize they are not alone. They each feel there is nothing they can do... just an accusation from the past that would go nowhere and just make a mess for themselves. Ugh...

/r/AskReddit Thread