What dirty little secret does your profession hide that the consumer should know?

Happened to me, fell seriously ill out of nowhere. Violently puked/diarrhea'd my insides out for 3 days straight. Text my boss and said I was really sick and I wouldn't be coming in, left a voicemail for HR explaining my absence. High fever, terrible pounding headache to accompany my involuntary bowel movements and vomiting. I laid in bed a sweaty mess, clinging to my blanket for dear life and praying for the sweet release of sleep for almost 72 hours. Only dragging myself up to use or attempt to use the bathroom and force some kind of sustenance into my body (mostly just plain old water, couldn't hold anything else down, I tried). It was all just one hot and hazy blur of me drifting in and out of consciousness. On the third day I felt good enough to walk around and put on a strong front, called nearest walk in clinic and tried to get a doctors note to excuse my absence for the day and past 2 days. Had a family member drive me there since vision was still blurry from eyes burning like crazy along with the headaches. Dropped the note off at work at HR, apologized for missing work and that I am slightly feeling better, definitely on an upswing so I'll be back the next work day. Got a call shortly after saying I was being let go.

Fuck that place, and fuck any place that treats their employees that way. During training they specifically told us to never come in to work sick so we don't get our co-workers sick and contaminate all the food that gets processed there (we packaged several food brands that you see in bags and containers at your local grocery store or Wal-mart like Great Value, etc). We were told to just call in and bring a Doctor's note when you're feeling better to get those days excused. Followed their specific steps and got let go anyways, so not only did I lose wages from not being at work while I was out sick since they don't give out sick days, I also paid $80-$90 on top of that out of pocket (they didn't give us insurance) to visit a doctor and waste his time writing me a stupid note that did absolutely nothing. Still makes me mad today just thinking about it.

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