What the doctor says is oversimplified, but weight gain is only a symptom and nothing else....

This always grinds my gears. I have PCOS. I didn't gain weight until YEARS after experiencing and finding my first cyst. Why did I gain weight? Not enough activity and too much food (the birth control I was on didn't help nor my intolerances but I accept responsibility.) I am losing weight despite PCOS, my intolerances and even the birth control (I did change it though and have more success with my current one. Did NOT make losing weight impossible just harder). STOP USING PCOS AS AN EXCUSE FOR BAD HABITS. You make the rest of us look bad. Excessive weight can and will make your symptoms worse. You can and should do everything you can to limit your symptoms. It's just like any other illness

/r/fatlogic Thread Link - imgur.com