What does cancer energy mean to you?

It gives me very mixed feelings. On the one hand I have a lot of central placements in Cancer (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Midheaven) so I want to have pride in my sign and fly my Cancerian flag but on the other hand I struggle to relate to any of the core traits of Cancer and there are many other signs of the Zodiac I relate to more despite having no planets in them. I'm also not a fan of people who do display the stereotypical traits of the sign (over emotionality, sentimentality, needy etc) so it leaves me with a "where do I stand in all this? Is this just a me thing or do other Cancers feel the same way?"

My Cancer placements are heavily aspected by all three outer planets as well as Mars and Jupiter. My Moon is Balsamic. My Ascendant and Ascendant Ruler are in air signs. That's how I rationalise not relating to most Cancer traits- there are so many modifying factors. But it's annoying when people see my chart and make assumptions about me that are completely untrue simply based on my Sun and Moon.

/r/astrology Thread