What does "dread game" mean and what does it do to the relationship and other person?

As a woman who was highly susceptible to TRP strategies back in my teenage and early adulthood years, but completely impervious now, I can answer this. People who have high self-esteem, truly love themselves and have a strong belief in their inherent self worth would be COMPLETELY turned off by ANYONE using strategies such as “dread” and “negging” around them in any capacity.

For one thing, they’re rude, cruel, negative, and unkind. Secondly, they’re painfully obvious blinking neon signs saying “I AM INSECURE.” And being insecure is okay, it’s understandable and we can all relate to it. But to see someone that is blatantly insecure be cruel to other people in response? It’s really repulsive. A major turn off. An immediate visceral reaction to turn the fuck around and get away from that person.

Back in the day, I would be susceptible to people like that because as someone lacked confidence in myself, I was completely unable to properly recognize confidence in others. I didn’t know confidence from arrogance, so arrogance (and the cruelty that often goes along with it) would be perceived by me as confidence. And I was attracted to confidence (as ALL people are!). Arrogance just seemed to me to be a sort of turbo confidence. I didn’t know what I didn’t know.

Now, with the benefit of many more years of experiences and life lessons, I’ve gained the wisdom to discern true confidence from the deep insecurity that underlies the kind of arrogance displayed by men who use red pill strategies. I am completely turned off by people who step on others to elevate themselves instead of putting in the actual work to be a better person. I am repulsed by people who predate on others, objectifying them by using manipulation and mind games to extract sex or other resources, people who don’t see the inherent worth of ALL people.

Any man who clearly has the kind of misogynistic approach toward women that only allows him to value the hot, young ones, and only for her body, not her mind. All other women are invisible to him. He doesn’t see woman as human beings worthy of love, respect, attention, and consideration, not even the hot ones. And the hot ones are only valuable in terms of what they can provide to HIM (sex, social status, ego boost, etc). These kind of men are incapable of valuing any woman for her internal qualities… and tbh, they probably don’t really value those qualities in himself or anyone else for that matter.

/r/exredpill Thread Parent