What does "emotionally unavailable" mean to you?

I also consider myself emotionally unavailable and have huge fortified psychic walls up, so nobody (ever) hits on me or asks me out nor confuses me of doing that with them. I don't give off the energy which would reciprocate that and when I work, I'm not flirty with customers to get sales.

I have heaps of friends, and I do go out with them regularly, most of them I am close, but we don't discuss deep matters. A couple very good friends I will speak to on very personal levels, but this isn't very often. Only one friend of mine can I talk to about spiritual matters, psychological stuff, my life because she comes the same Far-off distant planet that I do ;) I don't really consider my emotional unavailability to extend to friends, just because I am very inwards, or retreated doesn't mean I can give them my time or support.

My unavailability is two-fold. First, I am in-love with someone. And he is in-love with me (and I do place a high metaphysical and alchemical value on being in-love versus having love for someone, but that's a whole different kettle of fish...). However, there are things he must do before we can be together again, certain therapeutic and psychological processes and other things that would be difficult to balance while also living in relationship. It feels very weird/unpleasant not to be with him or talk to him, but is necessary and must be done now instead of putting it off for later.

You might say, well why "wait" for someone to do that? It's a choice for one, and second I'm not just sitting in my duff pining. I'm taking this time to also get myself into good spiritual and psychological shape. It's a period of transformation while will allow us to be together again and take that individual transformation into something to transform again, together (in an alchemical way if you dig). So I spend much of my time in meditation, eating a good (and rather strict diet, which is always hard at first), practicing yoga, reading spiritual texts. Sounds like a huge bag of fun!! This is all really personal and trying to seem like I'm emotionally available for romance is not honest or true.

I came to this thread super late, I probably wrote it more for myself than anything :D

/r/AskWomen Thread