What does gender mean to you?

First off, F*** TERFS. They want sex and/or essentianolism, I want none of that. Gender freedom > Gender abolition

I believe we should be whoever we want and can identify whoever we want without expectations, restrictions, and judgments. The gender binary we have today hurts EVERYBODY who isn’t cis, endosex, and gender-conforming. If we allow more gender freedom (as in, Accept our identities for crying out loud!) than NATURALLY the restrictive gender binary boxes would slowly stretch out until they don’t exist anymore where at that point gender/sex essentialism doesn’t exist and we already adjusted to the change. That’s the result of gender freedom, not the “Gender Abolotion” TERFS advocate for where they want us to identify as our sex. SCREW THAT.

The fact you claim I’m advocating for TERFS makes zero sense. Do you really want gender/sex essentionlism to stick around? Do you really think gender norms, roles, expectations help us? Why can’t I identify however I want? Why can’t I be whoever I want? Why do YOU feel the need to categorize us based on gender and/or sex? GENDER AND SEX DON’T AND SHOULDN’T MATTER.

F***k TERFS, and anyone who advocates AGAINST gender freedom is pretty much a TERF or doesn’t know what gender freedom is. I’m not rolling over for anybody. Gender freedom > gender abolition any day.

/r/asktransgender Thread Parent