what does getting high feel like?

I used Erowid a lot back when I used to experiment about a decade ago.

Each drug has a different high, pot is the best, it just relaxes me and makes even just staring at the ground somehow not boring. Xanax you don’t remember shit for a few hours. The only high I got off opioids was a warm cozy feeling in my head the first time I did it, tried several times later and couldn’t get the same feeling, and I only took a small dose the first time. Meth is very similar to caffeine, and it is indeed an evil drug, I don’t want to specify this one personal experience but to simplify, I wanted to do a nice thing, then the next day I found out I did the totally opposite, even with a good mindset I thought I was going to do something good but as I said, complete opposite. Acid was the most fun (don’t do drugs though, I’m just saying it was fun for me) you see tracers, a friend pushed me once playing around and it took like 3 seconds until I actually felt the push and it took 3 seconds until my brain and eyes went/fell back with it, also seen a black hole thing in my vision and it was a little scary, things start moving and morphing, once I realized the world I was seeing and the real world being different it helped ground me.

I can specify other specific ones if you want, just wanted to cover the basic types people use.

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