What do does Islam mean to you?

Lol you just reminded me of something

When I was learning how to ride horses I learned one of the most prized breed of horses in the world was the Arabian horse. It was a proud beast, delicate arched neck, high spirited, very intelligent. I’ve ridden them once or twice, one of Allahs most magnificent creatures. Coming to the point, under the wrong handler they become really aggressive, may even throw you off. But under the right handler, they are the most submissive creatures, and that is showing their true breeding as an Arabian horse

Meanwhile a mule, the cross between a donkey and a horse, will always remain stubborn and aggressive. If it throws you off it will purposefully step on you because no matter what the breed of the horse the donkey part never goes away. No matter how well you train it it can not submit because it’s breeding just isn’t capable of it. It is the child of a donkey

So then, is submission true glory or rebellion? Because even donkeys and mules can and do rebel. Even cows rebel.

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