What does Moiraine know at the beginning of tEotW about...

One thing I would hasten to point out is that despite knowing of the reality of the Black Ajah (although they believe it to be small, probably 30-40 maximum) Moiraine and Siuan are primarily concerned with the Red Ajah and quite frankly the majority of the tower. A man who can channel is a grave threat to thousands; the Dragon Reborn is basically prophesied to be the second breaking (and worse than the first) I refer you to the reaction Moiraine and Siuan have to Verin when they discover that she knows.

TGH Chapter 7 Blood calls to Blood.

“Verin, Verin.” The Amyrlin shook her head wonderingly. “You accuse your sister—and me?—of. . . . I won’t even say it. And you are worried that you’ve spoken too familiarly to the Amyrlin Seat? You bore a hole in the boat and worry that it’s raining. Think what you are suggesting, Daughter.”

“Why are you telling us this, Verin?” she said aloud. “If you believe what you say, you should be telling it to the other sisters, to the Reds in particular.”<!

/r/WoT Thread