What does "Make Our Military Great Again" Mean?

Decided to save you some time:

What's his secret? What makes him the guy who can do that? What makes ya'll so sure he'll succeed and they won't gang up on him and shut him down? He doesn't have many friends in politics, and the military contractors aren't going to give up massive profits just because Mr. Trump snaps his fingers and says to knock it off. Does he have dirt on them? Is he going to use force? What laws are he going to pass? What's he going to do that Mccain and Lindsey Grahm couldn't/wouldn't do? Or the generals? The people who work in the pentagon are some of the most talented and competent men in our country, if not the world. Is Trump really better than all of them? If he isn't, what's he going to do that they haven't yet, and why will he succeed where they failed?

He'll make America great again!


Because he'll make America great again!

I agree. But can they still perform the job well enough? They can't hump 120 lbs over 30 miles like some of the guys, but what if they can do 100 over 25? Is that not good enough?

He'll make America great again!

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