What does Trump believe in on the major issues in America?

there's many resources on the sidebar and theres this copypasta that's delievered to many bernouts:

-We agree with his policies: www.DonaldJTrump.com/positions

-See cheat sheet in the sidebar


-Regarding Trump U: www.98percentapproval.com and this video about the judge

-Lifetime of business experience building and running an international organization.

-Trump once held the Guinness record for biggest financial turnaround and came back very strong when his company was going through bad times.

-Trump very successful in school

-Extremely good at strategy.

-Master persuader (Maybe the best alive currently)

-Very engaging speaker

-Born Leader

-Running the cheapest and most effective campaign in history and it's his first time doing this!

-Deal maker (wrote a best selling book about it)

-In his book "A Crippled America" he basically outlines his whole plan.

-Is already rich and has a wonderful family so most likely his intentions for doing this are genuine and he would be very hard to bribe. His life is also in big danger.

-AIPAC 2016 speech

-Foreign policy speech

-Energy speech

-NRA speech

-Terrorism and immigration speech

-Hillary Clinton attack speech

-Economic independence speech

-Plan for Veterans speech

-One example of Trump the businessman vs Trump the Entertainer

-Trump over the years considering to run for President

-Trump vs protestors (STUMPED)

-100% proof that Trump is not racist

-When Trump fought the racists

-Trump helped Jennifer Hudson when her family was murdered

-93 pages of Trump's charitable donations over a period of 5 years

-HIGHLY RECOMMEND THE ART OF THE DEAL. Trump also does the first chapter in the audio book version of A Crippled America.

/r/The_Donald Thread