What does your crazy neighbour do to be labelled "the crazy neighbour"?

My apartment complex has the Rent-A-Cop, not in the way the he's a security guard or anything, but he certainly acts like one.

Have your well behaved dog off leash nowhere near him?

Calling the Bylaw officer

Have your mask off in the stairwell while not a single other soul is in there? (Its like he watches his apt entrance to make sure they come in with one on)

Calling the Bylaw officer.

Forgot to pick up a dropped a piece of garbage you didn't notice on your way out to throw it all out?

Calling the Bylaw officer.

Make a slightly loud noise past dark?


Pretty much all this shit doesn't effect him, he's not even a get off my lawn type old man, he's in his like 30s, dudes on a power trip

/r/AskReddit Thread