What does YOUR depression feel like?

Like you are stuck in a dark warm humid building full of mold that is slowly killing you and there is only one way out. You are standing in line to try and get out, but the line is long, and moving slowly, and everyone in line is an asshole and no one will tell you what is going on, or why you are there, and if you try to move in up the line at all you will get kicked back down even further in line than you already were. And even when you try and clean up the mold in the godforsaken hell of a building you are stuck in it just keeps getting worse and worse, and you aren't even positive if what is outside is worth it anymore. and you are tired, you want to sit down and rest, but you can't because if you do people will trample you to get past you and tell you that you deserved it for being a lazy waste of life who was sitting around and deserved it.

/r/AskReddit Thread