What have I done...

Man if you can get access to Lyrica you can probably manage a few days without so you can lower your tolerance sooner rather than later.

It's best to nip it in the butt as soon as you can because it will spiral out of control if you let it. Whenever something happens with my tolerance and it's just no longer enough I tell myself I'll just take everything I have like I want and then I'll suck it up go without for a couple weeks and then start fresh with a lower tolerance. Of course it never works that away I just end up going through all my dope then I start going through everyone else's because an addict is an addict is an addict and it's easy to say you'll do this or that while you are high. Then I just end up suffering even more because my tolerance is even higher than before and then Id need 3x as much just to not get sick forget about getting high that's just wishful thinking.

Obviously we are different people with different problems and you have been taking opioids for years now but still be careful. I took oxy for years before one day something switched in my brain and they just stopped working like they used to and now it feels like I just used to not get sick and so I can feel somewhat normal for those couple hours it is in me.

I remember when I could get blasted off of 15mg oxy or I could split it and get high off 7.5mg of it. Now I take entire 30's and they hardly do anything for me. Literally within a few hours im craving for more and if I do have the will power to just stick with one you can bet ill wake up feeling sick the next day. But I mean the alternative is to run out entirely and be much sicker than if I did just rough it out. But that's the problem though it just feels like a trap because I can no longer get enough meds to stop me from being sick all month. When I do decide to just YOLO it and take them as wanted instead well I can go through 5 in a day and never end up even nodding.

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