What was the Drama with the Mormon stories podcast?

I'll get downvoted for this but here goes. You've touched on a sore point because John Dehlin is generally very much admired here. I've watched virtually every podcast he's ever made. His work is astonishing. But he's also a public figure and in this day and age will be carefully examined by friend and foe alike. I've heard from his own mouth that he, at some point in time, has not been totally faithful to his marriage vows. He was accused of some stuff that we don't really know much about. And people here get just as huffy about their heroes as anyone else. They'll accuse you of "hating" on him, when you ask an innocent question that most of us don't really want to talk about. So you're not going to get lots of upvotes here, but you have just as much right to ask about John Dehlin as you do Jeffrey Holland. Dehlin's work is valuable, because he spends way more time drawing out other people's lives and experiences than he does talking about himself. If you want a broad spectrum of thought on Mormonism, John Dehlin's work is excellent.

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