What was a dream you had that was so profound you will never forget it?

I have very realistic dreams for some reason. I have two that I’ll never forget:

  1. When I was a kid, I kept dreaming my mother would die. There was a countdown clock in the corner of a room and my whole family was there. She died every dream too. The countdown clock always made it. (My mother is still very much alive.) I don’t have this dream anymore.

  2. A war dream. I get lined up in a shooting squad fashion along a wall. I don’t know why I’m here or where I am or why I’m being put to death. Every time I dream it I’m shot in the head. The dream goes dark, but I still hear voices. Sometimes I’ll wake up after, sometimes the dream simply ends. I still have this dream, but less frequently.

I can’t explain either of these dreams. My mom and I have a normal relationship, not overly attached nor departed from each other. And I’ve never fought in a war of any kind or have ever enlisted. I can’t make sense of either of them.

/r/AskReddit Thread