'What the elite are actually afraid of is paying their taxes' - Corbyn

Your assumption is that people who earn 80K live in the same place as people who earn 30K.

300K montage won’t get you far in London, or even on the outskirts of it not for a family home. Heck the same is true today for many other cities especially those with tech hubs.

Many people who earn 80K or even 120K can be maxed out with existing debt bound liabilities including mortgages and private schools.

Sure you can say it’s not mandatory for them to send their kids to a private school or pay £3000 a month in mortgage but they do.

Now you are asking them to sacrifice the future of their children which they have worked hard to secure (doesn’t mean they worked harder than people who earn less, but hard non the less) and to move out of their homes because you think they can afford £4000 more a year in income tax.

That is what people don’t understand because once you squeeze into a budget you think that any additional income goes into savings or vacationing in exotic places rather than financial commitments that you may not have.

This is why “liberals” vote for conservatives or conservatives light not everyone will put their “morals” above their lives and in fact most people that get into that position won’t even if they advocate for it today.

Boost everyone that warns 24K to 80K let them triple their mortgages and enroll their kids into expensive schools and all of a sudden Labour’s tax plan isn’t palatable to them anymore.

So with higher tax revenues as a proportion to the GDP and the budget in 50% as well as the highest tax collection rate since WW2 a better question to ask is where has the money been going not how much more of it do we need.

/r/unitedkingdom Thread Parent Link - thelondoneconomic.com