What is the end game to allowing all the immigrants into the EU? It seems there is a lot of nationalistic pushback to allowing millions of immigrants access to the EU. Why is the EU allowing this?

Today, in the 6 o clock Dutch news

I'm curious if your point about "low-integration capacity immigrants" refers to people moving around the EU or people coming into the EU, because the former seems to be the one that helped mobilize the leave campaign.

It's a very common and pervasive argument in Europe, and in the Netherlands right now. The argument is there is a significant minority of immigrants that do not integrate. That is to say, a majority does integrate quite well. The numbers for the older generations seem to be worse, since these people did suffer mixed messages from natives - in part enablers on the progressive left that insist they are marginalized, in part conservative voices that viciously do discriminate. The old of the older generations have curled up in what appears to be misantropic morose depression and blank dismissal of modernist values, whereas the younger generations who have failed in society are blanket angry and resentful. The young and unemployable of these migrants are a big big problem in the foreseeable future.

Note that I am transgender and I live in the center of a major city, with a sizeable nearby migrant population. I experience very few incidents. If I notice anything at all it is middle aged to aged migrants of turkish or maroccan descent who immediately show an interest in fucking me - if they are alone. I get very few incidents over all (I am taller than most migrants and very confident), but the very incidents I get immediately run the risk of being stabbed. In one incident a maroccan was set on blood and I stood my ground - and his was dragged off by another maroccan who said to his pal "if you lose, you go to prison, if you win you go to prison".

I am loosely associated with refugee work in the Netherlands, and from what I see a significant majority of refugees are humble as fuck, very damaged and very willing to assimilate. A minority of refugees (mostly africans, somalians) are functionally thugs, by any definition or criterion you would care apply - a lot of nihilism, a lot of previous criminal backgrounds and unemployment in country of origin and absolutely no willingness to assimilate. Complete opportunists. The Syrian refugees are generally a breath of fresh air, well educated to start, mostly middle class and traumatized up to the eyeballs. That isn't to say the Africans (somalians, senegalese, et.al.) young refugees are not traumatized, they are. But they are likelier to be opportunist thugs as well.

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