What exactly is advanced game programming?


Not one of those things sound right to me at all

Red flags that I can see right off the bat:

*You keep saying shockingly consistently that you are not motivated to do this. *You have not picked one language and mastered it. *You get bored watching tutorials. *You think for even a second you can compete in the AAA game market, having absolutely no skill or even basic understanding of what you are doing. *you think there is even faintest possibility of a 'simple game'. *5 years resulting in never staying motivated.

Pretty much take all that and do the exact opposite of it.

*You need to be motivated to make it. There is a huge learning curve and it is not easy. If you don't got the heart you will burn out, quit, and only serve to waste your time. *Learn one language and master it. I always say: "once you master one language you know them all -- you just need to remember the proper syntax". Learn and master what a language has to offer, then the next language you can understand the subtle differences and the strengths and weaknesses of that language. Once you got one language really figured out, you can easily switch between languages in nearly no time flat. *Tutorials are your friend. You will need to read and watch a great number to get anywhere. You need to be able to research and be a pro at google or you are not going to get anywhere. *I personally would not try to monetize your first or even your fifth game (how many months/years or renditions it takes you before you got the chops to actually make a game worth playing is up to you, and you will know when you get there). Figure out how game development works, learn your language of choice, figure out what works and what doesn't --- THEN and only THEN go forward with making something commercial. The game market does not need your shitty attempts and figuring stuff out, and all that it would serve to do (even if you were even mildly successful) is add a complication that halts actual learning about game development. *Shoot for the dirt, and not for the stars... Like I said before, don't think you can/should make any money at this especially right now, and you should embrace this fact. Start with really really small ideas and build off of them. An example would be www.ClickerHeroes.com (disclaimer: I have no affiliation, it is a kick ass game though) --- they have a damned 'simple' idle game formula, but built upon it, until it is truly a masterpiece (a game that I have played near constantly for going on a year now). You may consider that to be 'a small game', but don't you dare think for an instant that is was 'an easy game' to make... from my own experience, I can tell you that there are countless hours of polish and care that went into this, so discounting how hard this stuff is to make would be a huge error in judgement. *Start today. There is no excuse worthy to keep you from game deving if that is something you actually want to devote yourself to doing.

You will notice none of that addresses your exact question. This is intentional because your question is moot without the above.

But my question here is what exactly is advanced programming? I know all the basics(the loops, variables) and most intermediate stuff(classes, functions) but how do you make a game from this?

If you have a means of accepting and modifying user input, you can make a game. Full Stop. Period. For instance, anyone that I teach game development to, I start them off with nothing more than var, prompt, and alert with javascript making a browser game. Three seemingly small and inconsequential tools - but you can craft a story and interact with a player in a very intimate way. I personally recommend starting here for you too, and it complies with my list above of things one should do. If you can't make a compelling story with these tools, then I personally would give up, game development is not for everybody - no game engine will help you if you can't even make words show up on a page in the right order in a way that is engaging and entertaining.

'Advanced Programming' is a marketing gimmick to sell books, it is another way to say "if you can't understand the basics, don't bother reading this; If you know a thing or two about programming you won't be completely bored reading this". Typically they are higher level concepts about game dev programming patterns and best practices, which tend to solve more issues than they create especially with expandability and usability of code in team environments, as well as optimizations; Or they can be best practices tailored for a specific language or engine. Here is some examples (found, from a quick google search right now) http://gameprogrammingpatterns.com/contents.html (disclaimer: I have no affiliation, and I can't vie for its accuracy nor competency).

All the programming patterns in the world are worthless to you though if you can't understand the basics and use them to engage a player and almost most importantly if you don't have the heart to actually dedicate yourself to understanding game programming.

/r/gamedev Thread