What experience made you grow the fuck up?

My dad stole my identity when I was in my early 20s. He racked up $40k+ of debt in my name between credit cards and a fucking $32k college loan. This was right after he got out of federal prison for embezzlement in which he embezzled $3mil if IIRC - was pretty young when he did that.

Anyway, I discovered he stole my identity when I applied for and got denied for a Best Buy credit card trying to buy a TV. I told him and he kind of came clean and told me that he took out credit cards in my name. He said he would fix it and I believed him. He didn't/couldn't obviously. I eventually stopped speaking to him and years later tried fixing it on my own via a non-profit that helps victims of identity theft. It was challenging to say the least because I waited so long to do anything about it. Like a fucking idiot. Identity theft, when committed by a family member is a whole 'nother can of worms. I went to 3 different police departments before one would even take a police report from me. The fact the crime was committed in a state I no longer lived in made it even more challenging. I tried everything in my power to fix this shit but hit dead end after dead end after dead end. Thankfully, I have very generous and loving relatives. My aunt and uncle helped me with a lawyer and my name was finally cleared 10 years later.

At 31, I was finally able to get my first credit card which I use responsibly and have finally started saving money. This shitty experience made me appreciate what comes with having good credit. I can rent a fucking apartment now without having to ask people to cosign for me for starters.

It's rather hard to summarize this whole debacle, but I hope my point isn't lost and that other people who have had their identity stolen by a family member, or anyone, knows that it is reparable. While I wouldn't wish it upon any decent human being, it certainly made me grow up and appreciate how important it is to have your finances in line.

tldr; Dad stole my identity. Spent my entire 20s dealing with it, but I eventually got it sorted out. Life lessons ensue.

/r/AskReddit Thread