To what extent do you share your private activities like your porn browsing, flirting, masturbation and so forth with your s.o.?

I dated my ex gf for 8 years. Spent 8 years lying, hiding and keeping that shit a secret. The reality of it all was that it made her insecure and uncomfortable with me looking at other women. It actually was the root of a lot of our arguments.

I swore i'd never hide it from another SO again. I was very open about it with my wife. We were having sex daily; even multiple times a day.. and most of the time watching porn just got me worked up and we'd end up having even more sex. The general sentiment was she didn't care where I worked up an appetite as long as I always came home to eat.

It took me a few months of dating to work up the courage to let her in on all my kinks and fetishes.. she was confused and a bit concerned at the time but her curiosity regarding how to satisfy me and willingness to try new things is what made her an absolute keeper.

/r/AskMen Thread