What "extras" are worth it to you?

Honestly, people really don't get how short life is. I know that it's a saying but I actually live by it because I do feel how fast it is.

I try to save a decent amount but at the same time I refuse to live a single day in a bad mood. I enjoy cooking and eating so I eat whatever I want every day. I buy all the coffees I want except for the more premium stuff, those are every once in a while like I just did a few hours ago where it was $105 for the 300g bag. I have quite a few streaming subs and Netflix isn't one of them though with their 1/10 average quality. I spend more than most people on festive stuff whether it's halloween, Christmas or easter. I enjoy a nice night one like once per week. I go out for brunch pretty often. I game a bit and buy new tech from time to time.

This sub always looks so weird to me but I really find it fun and entertaining which is why I follow it. Some guys live like monks, saving everything they can for when they won't be able to spend a cent. Funny mindset.

/r/PersonalFinanceCanada Thread