What was the Facebook friend suggestion that made you go 'OK, that's just creepy, how did FB know to suggest them'?

There was a girl I date for a short time, who I remained friends with, but she deleted her facebook. Then she decided to have Facebook again and she friended me, with a brand new facebook page. We had a falling out, and eventually she deleted that new facebook page. We never unfriended each other, though and I have a lot of lists to organize who can see what, because I teach and students add me, but I keep them on restricted lists. In any event, icons would still show up on the list for her two deleted pages. Well, recently, I had a friend suggestion of someone I may know (should be might know) and it was her again, but with a third facebook page. Kind of creepy. She would never tell me why she deletes her facebook account so often, either.

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