What famous pieces of movie "wisdom" are inherently untrue?

you sound like an edgy 14 year old.

Is there a specific way a 14 year old sounds? A lot of Redditors like to use age as an easy escape, every time I say something people don't like I am either "hater", "edgy", "12 year old", "millennial", really says something about people inability to listen to things they don't want to hear. You don't know first thing about me or my age, we have never met and I have never in my comments used any of these phrases that you just used, I censor myself and I am supposed to be younger than you? Doubtful, although we have never me so who knows. Most people here perceive the world as some kind of weird popularity contest where everyone wants to stand out from the crowd and dislikes something because it is cool, believe it or not I think that is dumb and I don't see why I would make my original comment if I knew I would get 40 downvotes and people insulting me, how does that make sense? What is the point of being "edgy" if I got nothing out of it? I also am hard pressed to see why in the world a 14 year old would spend his free time contemplating if most people like to lie to themselves because they don't want to accept certain things, everyone does, just look at what you wrote, it's more convenient for you to believe that I am an "edgy" 14 year old then a man that has thought about this a lot and come to the conclusion that what OP wrote is wrong. You don't even have any counter arguments and you dismissed mine because you didn't like the way I choose to present them, I didn't label you because of anything you said but most people he automatically put labels on me, what kind of weird way to argue is that? Isn't this why Reddit exists? Read news and talk about them, have an argument, not just send people you don't agree with to hell.

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