What is far deadlier than most people realize? [serious]

Woke up one morning and my face was swollen on one side, called my doctor and since it was the pandemic we did a zoom call, she saw my face and prescribed me antibiotics and said, you should get it checked by a dentist. Since it’s been a few years since I’d seen one I thought why not, went to the dentist they took an X-ray and said “that tooth has to come out” I was shocked, normally they just do a root canal and put a crown on right? I guess the infection was slowly eating away at the bone, and they had to take out the infection, (they showed me what they dug out, a little puss filled bag..so disgusting I almost barfed) and had to pack the hole with cadaver bone! I now have to get a new tooth. Happy to know I didn’t die though, but had that infection gotten in to my blood stream, shit could have gone south real quick. SEE TOUR DENTIST REGULARLY. I can’t believe it’s not part of medical. Blows my mind how important oral hygiene is.

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