What we Fat Black Women think we look like and the logic that is killing us... Possibly NSFW

What?! I'm sorry but this makes zero sense. You are a fat apologist and giving excuses as to why you are fat.

This is fatlogic. If you remove race, this is the same logic that Munster and Chastain have.

I imagine non-Black women get on a scale and think "Omgosh! How did I gain 20lbs?!!"

But Black women, we get on the scale and go "Wait! I only gained 5 lbs. Matter of fact I was actually this weight last year. Why do i look so sloppy now?! I don't understand."

You cannot take your own views and beliefs and generalise it to fit an entire race. There are plenty of thin black women.

Also, only people who don't care about their health think the 2nd option. This applies to men and women.

But we have one bad month, one bad semester, one pregnancy, one depressing breakup and ... it easily gets sloppy soooo easily.

Do pregnant women put on weight? Yes, no one is denying that. The problem starts when women eat the same amount as they did during the pregnancy.

Also, you have plenty of other choices. Why did you choose food?!

Notice that she has no stomach. Well, she kinda does have a stomach but she also kinda looks like she abs. But either way, girl doesn't have that "hang over" or "I look pregnant" stomach. So "skinny ideals" are still being projected in this "fat friendly"' message. She has a thigh gap. Another "skinny ideal" being projected in a "fat friendly" message. So we don't want to be skinny BUT we want to look skinny... Really confusing.

Yes, it is confusing. I just googled "thin black women" and got a hundred results of people far healthier than this "model" here.

Only a person above this person's weight/BMI etc would want to have the same physique as her. I certainly don't. You can see that her thighs already have "fat wrinkles". Why would a person settle for this when they can look like Serena Williams for a famous person example?

It happened to me and its happening to many of us. Essentially there is "no room" to gain weight. We're already fat, but there was some "Tightness" about it (yea, my own fat logic there)...

I am sorry to burst your bubble but you have obviously viewing your body much differently than a stranger would. There is "always room" to gain weight. Why do you think Tess Munster looks different in 2015 than she did in 2012. Because she put on even more weight. Also, do you know why your skin looks "tight"? It's because it's being stretched. It's like pulling a spring. Eventually, it won't go back to normal. Look at those people who lost 2-300 pounds. They have horrible excess skin.

This is fatlogic. I am sorry if you are offended but you should watch yourself.

/r/fatlogic Thread Parent Link - imgur.com