What films have you recently watched? – Weekly Discussion

I watched Eraserhead last night and thought it was real interesting, and I think I liked it. I'm new to film, mainly because I'm young, but I think I have a good understanding and appreciation for it. I don't own any Criterion DVDs or blu-rays (yet) and recorded it off a TCM Underground block from months ago, I finally got around to watching it last tonight.

I'm new to David Lynch, and the only experience I had with him was Twin Peaks, and I only watched Season One and half of Season Two, since I thought it got too soap-opera and less interesting (mainly because Lynch and writer Mark Frost left the show). But I liked Eraserhead a lot more than what I watched of Twin Peaks. I thought it was the perfect length of time for the film, just barely less than 1hr 30m, it was slow moving but well paced so each event was very specific.

I also liked the concept of it, I saw in the credits it was made with the help of the AFI and I read up that Lynch directed the film while studying there, and didn't really have a good idea on how to make a movie, but I thought he did great. It reminded me less of the dream scenes from Twin Peaks and more like those old, black-and-white art films like Un Chien Andalou or 21-87 (I guess Eraserhead actually is an old black-and-white art film).

One thing I thought was impressive was the sound design The weird murmurs, high-pitched squeals, and winding white noise or static really helped give the film a more eerie and creepy tone, and made it feel more like a dream.

Eraserhead is definitely one of the first Criterions I'll buy, and It'll be a while before I forget it.

/r/criterion Thread