what was the first gender-based injustice or inequity you noticed and actively considered as a kid? and/or did you have a more general epiphany?

I was 15 years or so, and very very into martial arts, doing something similar to Kung Fu myself. We had really hard training sessions and I loved it.

One day, we did a thing where your partner lays on the back, puts up their knees and you do pushups while propping your hands onto their knees so that you can sink lower than the ground. You do pushups, then run around and lay behind them, and they turn around and do pushups, run behind you etc.

So, our trainer explained, and said "guys do 3-5 pushups each time, and girls do 1-3".

I piped up with why, and the trainer said that it´s because girls are weaker. I was extremely pissed and said first of all, that´s not true for everybody, and second of all, how are girls ever supposed to become stronger if they are being undertrained?!

Well, after that, it was 1-5 for everybody. Success!!!

/r/AskFeminists Thread