What folklore creature do you think really exists?

I'm not even going to bother with all the ones that are clearly extinct actual animals or ice age remnants, the following are the ones that I think possible even though many might not. If anyone wants me to go into detail let me know, and I won't say 100% positive, but the following is a list:

Sasquatch - big hairy guy recorded throughout history spanning many races and cultures on every continent but Antarctica.

Little People - duende, puckwudgies, etc. Almost as widespread as sasquatch

Ghouls - tall pale humanoid necrophage common in folklore of Middle East, Europe, and North America. See also wendigo.

Faeries - perhaps not the creature itself, but the phenomenon of a "land of the faeries" where people are said to go that vanish into thin air in the woods is a worldwide phenomenon.

/r/AskReddit Thread