What foods do you refuse to eat... even to binge or b/p

I will never b/p or eat; chocolate, nuts, granola, untoasted bread, coconut milk, lollies, full sugar soda or slushies, potato fries or chips/crisps, dry cakes, donuts, meat (I’m vego) or carrots, beetroot, cheese, tomato, MILK.

All of these are super harsh to purge, and oftenwill clump in my stomach, so that either it can’t come up and will put a lot of strain on my heart/eyes when I do get to purge it. Or things like nuts/carrots/potato chips are really abrasive. Everything else I just wouldn’t want to risk digesting bc fat and cals.

*Milk curdles in your stomach so if you drink a glass on an empty stomach, wait 5 min... you won’t be able to purge it bc it would be one big curd by then. Still will curdle with other food in your stomach as well. I hate purging milk.

/r/proED Thread