What a friendly bigot!

'friendly bigot'. that shit has always been interesting to me. a person that has some seriously shitty views can still be a 'great' person...to certain people.

You can be a wonderful father, husband, friend. always there for your friends. Kind to strangers, willing to help people, respectful, polite,etc....except you just really don't like gay people.

like, you have an irrational hatred for them. you don't go out and assault them, but you hate them with every fiber of your being. are you a bad person because of that? how much 'bad' is needed to make a human being a shitty one? or is it just based on actions?

and even then...what's the scale? how does that shit work? I know people that have some seriously racist grandparents. but the grandparents aren't evil people or anything. they just really dislike minorities. I'm a minority. I've had some serious shade thrown my way. fuck them. but are they objectively bad people? well, one is. but another is a 'good guy'.

hate, bigotry, prejudice and all that shit is tricky. it doesn't define a person...I mean...when you have nazi insignia on your shit, it kind of does. is that the difference? not just your beliefs, but how much of your identity is based on them? I don't know. who knows. fuck that guy for his ideology though. .but I wouldn't wish harm on that dude.

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