What the fuck

Yes. For good reason.

I had my fair share of being chased down by street dogs during outdoor runs, and the constant lack of discipline amongst almost every other person in that country. I mean you can go on and on with the poppycock - diversity is its strength, used to be rich until Anglo takeover, space program etc - but the tldr version is no one gives a shit and the gap between the rich/p is only going to increase over time, making it harder for a vassssst majority of people and their daily struggles to put food on the plate. I’ve heard Indians complain of racism when in reality the closest members to those individuals would have ‘domestic help’ to serve them - and just cause they were born in harder circumstances. BS mate.

For context, I’ve lived in India, China, and a few western countries. None are as abysmal as India in that its potential will never be reached.

/r/ABoringDystopia Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it