What the fuck

There's an issue when people who say "we are BLM" are openly stepping on memorials and polical gatherings and peaceful get togethers that have nothing to do with the various races of people shit by cops. There's an issue when you people who say "we are BLM" call for people who don't identity as black to not vocally support them. As there's no head of BLM, you see shit like this all the time. Anyone can claim they are BLM, so you can't cherry pick and say "well, that person isn't really BLM and what they're doing is wrong" No-one can speak for another persons intent or interest whether it goes against you or for you. You agree there's no vetting process (nor should there be) for someone to join BLM or any other social movement. As such, you end up with such varied people and points of view, all saying "we are BLM". Because of this, you can't then say 'well they don't stand for BLM' - who the fuck are you to say what BLM is or should be? I'm a black professional scientist (I work in arachnology and entomology). I'm a rarity in my field, and in the community I came from. I get frustrated with so many things, like I am sure you do. But BLM doesn't have one voice, except maybe broadly speaking. It's like the pro-marijuana movement, where you had doctors and lawyers and engineers and biologists and teachers and many professional people trying to move their cause forward (legalizing marijuana). They'd have great case studies and examples and they were a solid professional movement - then you'd also get some of these stoner unemployed kids who would throw rocks at police and call for legalizing all drugs, while starting shit at these rallies and attending political gatherings for a local government agent about some building opening where the kids would crash the rally with pro-pot shit. The average person watching on TV or hearing these things just sees 'pro-pot group disrupts local rally' or whatever. They miss the professional, level-headed people looking for dialogue and change. Granted drugs and people dying are totally different but you see the parallel in the social movement and what happens when you get an angry vocal group who wants radical change and to do to others what was done to them mixed with professional people who want dialogue and to work together. It's honestly a lose-lose situation with the exception that at least we are talking about it, which is one small step forward. Please don't laugh at my career, either. I've always loved spiders and insects and now I get paid to study, research and teach about them :-)

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