WHAT THE FUCK! Canadian man fights off home invaders by taking their gun and shooting them; gets charged with attempted murder and nine other firearms related charges.

Obviously there are many details missing here, but still, if you are in your own home and someone forcefully breaks in, how is not a god damn human right that you can use whatever force is necessary to protect yourself? The problem here is if he shot at them as they were running away, or this was a criminal vs criminal looking for drugs or whatever, still its sickening if the details are joe citizen vs home invader. Canadians NEED a castle doctrine and clearly laid out self defence law that includes firearms. I have a feeling this wasn't Joe Citizen that got arrested... which maybe why they loaded all those bullshit charges... some of them like possession with intent to traffic on a home invasion? This story is full of holes....

Canapedes, VOTE CONSERVATIVE and get fairy boy Justin the fuck out of parliment. Regardless of the facts in this story, Justin cares more about muslim refugees and LGBT parades than he does about hard working citizens and making sure they can protect themselves.

In the end, better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6. If this was joe citizen vs home invader (with no backstory between them) i am convinced a jury would find not guilty.

/r/The_Donald Thread Link - thechronicleherald.ca