What the fuck is going on with Paradise?

All drama of FFF, Fox McCloud and Vulpkanin aside, this drama should really fucking stop now, it is literally not going to achieve anything. Yes, FoxMcCloud may have done really stupid things the time where he was the only Head of Staff and guess who left him with being the only Head of Staff, no, he didn't coup the fucking Server Staff, he was given that status by the other Heads of Staff because they had to take a break. Yes, during that time things really indeed got stagnant, literally nothing happened with Paradise. But have you actually considered that Fox McCloud was NOT the person who designed the Vulpkanin, and did you also know that the Vulpkanin PR got merged by ZomgPonies and not FoxMcCloud?

The person that originally created Vulpkanin didn't even get to choose how they were going to be implemented, or when after they have thrown the .dmis and some concept at the Maintainers. But really, the explosion of stupidity that some people have resonated because "OH MY GOD FURRIES" is just fucking stupid. Because the person that actually designed the race actually wanted to streamline their process of adding more unique races and coding and developing more stuff, but thanks to THEESE people that isn't happening.

While people were incoherently screaming and yelling about Vulpkanin you also made great potential to make SS13/Paradise better leave.

/r/SS13 Thread