What the fuck, Samsung

There must be some way to unify on one unicode standard, otherwise things would get really chaotic between conflicting versions. My favourite bit about Unicode has to be UTF-256 though.

The commonly used versions are UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32, where each character is looked to be encoded in a group 8, 16, or 32 bits. 8 bits allow for 28 = 256 combinations, while 16 bit result in 216 = 65536 possible signs. Because this is more than enough to represent all signs specificed by Unicode, UTF-32 is not really used and might never be.

UTF-256 therefore allows for 2256 signs, enough to assign roughly one sign for every atom in our solar system. This allows for a truly democratic standard, in which any user may upload pictures to a website that stores these as UTF-256 signs. If a programmer wants to use UTF-256, the compiler will try to download all pictures from that website and embedd them into the program code. If there is some issue, for example because the website is down or there is no internet connection, the compiler will simply give an error message that makes it look like it's the programmer's fault.

/r/tumblr Thread Parent Link - imgur.com