What is a fun, unconventional first date idea?

A lot of really funny people on reddit. Here's some things I've legitimately pulled off as a man retired in his late 30s who doesn't want the first date to be about displays of wealth:

1)Bike riding.

2)Hiking. Go find something fun or magnificent to look at, and show her/him.

3)You got a dog? I have a dog! (walk/swim/play/dinner)

4)Brew beer/start a legacy baking project (yeast cultures). These have the benefit of forcing a follow-up date because the beer will need to age. A yeast culture can be continued indefinitely so you bake a follow up loaf of bread or something.

5)This one is always money - improvise something. Identify a mutual interest, and set a plan to engage the interest together. "I always wanted to learn to make pizza, too. Let's make pizzas next weekend, you and me." "I've never canoed the river either! Next weekend, I'm renting a canoe and you're packing a lunch for us. Let's do this?!"

Even better if it's something one of you knows a lot about already, and the other is curious. "Okay, you're totally going to teach me how to make pizza sauce," or "Alright, so why don't you plan to help me tap my maple trees?"

6)Make use of your social network. Depending on your age range of friends, you might know people who have awesome toys, a great piece of land, keys to interesting places. Folks will generally be flattered by the ask, and you can have amazing dates by leaning on your friends. This summer I took a girl I'd met the night before to my buddy's chocolate factory after hours. He'd told me how to identify product in the cooler, and told me what I could use. Sent me an organized email with lot numbers, notes on the characteristics and qualities of the products, etc. So when we get to the chocolate factory it smells amazing and he's got some flowers and a bunch of candles, company jackets with our names on them. In the pocket of my jacket was a rubber. In the pocket of hers was a travel-lube. She was a modest girl and embarrassed by that. Didn't mention it until after we'd gotten fat on chocolate and wasted on champagne left in the cooler for us and I brazenly said "Oh, Dave left THIS for me!"

We didn't bang but we had a fucking riot that night. We used the floor jacks or whatever to have races. She moved to Minsk 2 weekends after that. Failed to mention that the night we met, or the night we spent like 9 hours getting wasted and racing warehouse equipment and shooting the shit. :(

/r/AskReddit Thread