What game mechanic should die?

Souls-likes have a sort of "wall" you have to break through. After a few hours it kind of just clicks and the difficulty doesn't seem so extreme and you start having fun, but, I can totally understand how that's off-putting.

And it's not so much outright enemy difficulty as it is learning and understanding how the game plays, but then not everyone wants to spend 6 hours learning and getting used to how to actually play a game before it "gets fun".

I had the same experience playing through souls games at first, i tried about 4 or so times over a couple years to get into them, just not getting it and being frustrated. But on the last time it just sort of made sense and I've played and loved every single From Soft souls like and all the other souls-likes.

I don't think it's something you should ultimately dismiss though, come back to it every now and then and see how it goes. You never know, might just click for you this time.

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