What gets weirder and weirder the more you think about it?

And to your question about rocks and computers I believe part of an answer to that question is that we humans are so out of touch with nature. Imagine a tree. It's just a tree. Doing it's thing. Growing. Producing oxygen. Taking in CO2. Perfectly co-existing with all the other elements of nature. Think of a wild bear in Siberia. It's just being a bear. Doing it's thing. Hunting for fish. Reproducing. Defending itself. Now imagine a human being. We're in a special situation because all our basic needs are met. And we're no longer really in touch with the elements that we're made of. Food, water, sun, air, earth. Our needs are met. We're good. And that creates space in our brains to think and to be conscious. And to be self conscious which is I think what people mean most of the time.

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